A photo shoot can sometimes be a graceful juggling act of the many artists, clients, and talent, while fine tuning cameras, computers, and lighting with inevitable troubleshooting and changing conditions, all while keeping a level head, enjoying the entire process, and taking the time to compose a picture.

I was raised on an apple farm in the most southern town of Canada, and I’m still wowed by Toronto, even though I’ve been living here for a decade. 

I was the geeky kid, filming grade school assemblies with the school VHS camcorder. Not every kid gets to have a darkroom at home growing up, and so, I’ve always had a film camera along for the ride. Shooting film is still very romantic for me. Don’t get me started…

As a mature student, I attended the Digital Imaging course in Barrie, Ontario, where I did quite well. The PPOC awarded me student photographer of Ontario during that time. I’ll share a fun stop motion video I made in school at the bottom of the page. Since then, I’ve enjoyed assisting photographers in different capacities on celebrity, corporate, automobile, product, and fashion projects. Manning all the equipment, studio managing productions, and seeing final edits through to completion as an editor. I am grateful for those years.

I chose this path to have the pleasure of connecting with people and actively being of service to their creative goals.

I live in Leslieville, Toronto, creating imagery and friendships.


647 982 4355

